Umbilical Riser Analysis

Location: Timor Sea


The Kitan Field is located in the Timor sea, ~500 km off the Australian coast, and includes an FPSO facility. We undertook an umbilical riser dynamic analysis, as well as a fatigue analysis, on behalf of the installation contractor on the Kitan Field development. The umbilical riser was installed in a lazy wave configuration supported by the FPSO turret.


Our team conducted the analysis using OrcaFlex. We developed the model of the designed lazy wave configuration and conducted dynamic analysis on the configuration, determining the loads on the ancillary equipment.

  • A regular wave approach to fatigue analysis was adopted over the life of the project.
  • Determine allowable shear force and bending moments at the bend stiffener base.
  • Buoyancy loss was investigated and the effect on the forces and curvature of the riser.

Outcomes and benefits

We were able to determine that the lazy wave configuration was able to be used in installation, using a simplified approach, in line with industry guidelines, that ensured the analysis was completed with rationalisation.

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